From the Grounds Up: Maps
Click on the maps or captions below to see full sized, color versions of the images included in the book. Many of these maps come from the Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra. I am grateful to the Mapoteca’s staff for their assistance in finding and digitizing these maps and highly recommend their services.
Map 1 - The Soconusco District of Chiapas, Mexico.
Map prepared by the Harvard University Center for Geographic Analysis [click for larger image]
Map 2 - Map of the Soconusco, 1872.
Source: Plano del Soconusco, by José E. Ibarra, 1872. Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra, Colección General, Estado de Chiapas, No. 399a-cGe-7274-p.
Reprinted with permission. [click for larger image]
Map 3 - Map Prepared to Study the Different Dividing Lines Proposed between Mexico and Guatemala, 1882.
Source: Carta formada por los ingenieros Don Antonio García y Cubas y Don Leandro Fernández por disposición del Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores para el estudio de las diferentes lineas propuestas como divisorias entre México y Guatemala, by Antonio García Cubas y Leandro Fernández, 1882.
Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra, Colección Orozco y Berra, Límites México-Guatemala, No. 1112-OYB-7216-A. Edited by author.
Reprinted with permission. [click for larger image]
Map 4 - Map of the English Company’s Division of the Soconusco’s Coffee Plantation Zone.
Source: Karl Helbig, El Soconusco y su zona cafetalera en Chiapas. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas: Instituto de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, 1964, appendix. [click for larger image]
Map 5 - Croquis of the Division of Terrenos Baldíos, 2nd Fraction, Soconusco, Chiapas, 1889.
Source: Plácido Gómez, “Croquis de la división de terrenos baldíos, fracción segunda Soconusco Chiapas,” 1889.
Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra, Colección General, Varilla oyBchis01, No. Clasificador 181-06b-7274-a. Reprinted with permission. [click for larger image]
Map 6. General Plan of the Department of Soconusco by the Mexican Land and Colonization Company, 1913.
Source: “Plano general del Departamento de Soconusco y la sección segregada para el Departamento de Mariscal indicando los terrenos vendidos por La Compañía de Terrenos de Chiapas, México, Limitada, 1913.”
Mapoteca Manuel Orozco y Berra, Colección Orozco y Berra, Varilla oyBchis02, No. Clasificador 3212-oyB-7274-a-1 y a-2.
Reprinted with permission. [click for larger image]