“In this municipality, the data referred to in this survey does not exist, as there is no one occupied in agriculture because of the lack of irrigation and only a few residents do a small amount of rainfed planting to help with their subsistence.” (No hay en este Municipio los datos a que se refiere esta voleta [sic], pues no hay quién se ocupe en la agricultura por la falta de regadio y solamente unos cuantos vecinos hacen agunos [sic] pequeños sembrados de temporal para ayudar a su subsistencia.) Incomplete table from Casas, Tamaulipas, June 9, 1899. Archivo General de la Nación, Fomento y Obras Publicas: Exposiciones Extranjeras y del País. Caja 51, exp. 8.

Transcribed data available including codebooks for the full dataset and municipal summary data and a brief data biography available through the Johns Hopkins Data Repository or by emailing lurtz@jhu.edu.

For copies of the archival documents, please reach out to lurtz@jhu.edu.


To view legend, click the arrows in the top left corner. Click on each municipality to see additional information. Use the search bar to find particular municipalities.

To view a larger interactive version of these maps that allows for overlaying the data, visit https://arcg.is/0KjK0C

Figure 3 - Number of Properties Reported by Municipality

Figure 4 - Average Property Size and Value, summarized by municipality

Figure 5 - Predominant Climate Descriptor, summarized by municipality.

Figure 6 - Average Daily Wage for Men, summarized by municipality