Una Estadística Agrícola de México
“A Confounded Statistic: Turn-of-the-Century Mexican Agriculture in Incommensurable Terms,” The Americas 80, 2 (2023): 291-329.
“Challenging Abstraction: Unruly Statistics and the State in Progress",” The American Historical Review 130, 1 (2025): 80–111, https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhae476.
Email lurtz@jhu.edu for a pdf of either article.
Sources and data
“In this municipality, the data referred to in this survey does not exist, as there is no one occupied in agriculture because of the lack of irrigation and only a few residents do a small amount of rainfed planting to help with their subsistence.” (No hay en este Municipio los datos a que se refiere esta voleta [sic], pues no hay quién se ocupe en la agricultura por la falta de regadio y solamente unos cuantos vecinos hacen agunos [sic] pequeños sembrados de temporal para ayudar a su subsistencia.) Incomplete table from Casas, Tamaulipas, June 9, 1899. Archivo General de la Nación, Fomento y Obras Publicas: Exposiciones Extranjeras y del País. Caja 51, exp. 8.
Transcribed data available including codebooks for the full dataset and municipal summary data and a brief data biography available through the Johns Hopkins Data Repository or by emailing lurtz@jhu.edu.
For copies of the archival documents, please reach out to lurtz@jhu.edu.
To view legend, click the arrows in the top left corner. Click on each municipality to see additional information. Use the search bar to find particular municipalities.
To view a larger interactive version of these maps that allows for overlaying the data, visit https://arcg.is/0KjK0C